These three popular exercises for shoulders, lats and abs put you at risk every time you do them. But fear not, for in their place we’ve provided alternative exercises that target the same muscles but give you better results!
Don’t do this: Barbell high row
This exercise puts the muscles and tendons that surround the shoulder joint in a position of weakness while under a load. The exercise is done standing upright and holding a barbell with hands hip width apart. You then slide the bar up along your body while raising your elbows out to the sides. Many do it with momentum and a back sway. Just don’t do it.
Do this: Single arm lateral dumbbell raise
- Stand with a dumbbell in hand, feet shoulder width apart, with head, hips and spine in neutral position.
- With a slight bend in your elbow, raise your arm out to the side so that your elbow and wrist rise up to shoulder height at the same time (your palm should be down).
- After a slight pause, slowly return your arm to starting position. Avoid any unnecessary body movement or leaning to either side.
Don’t do this: Lat pulldown behind the head
Exercisers on the pulldown machine crane their neck forward and yank the bar down to the back of their neck. It may target the lats (large back muscles), but this exercise immediately creates a risk for strained muscles and other injuries.
Do this: Prone resistance band pulldown
- Lie on your stomach with your head pointing toward a resistance band fastened at floor level.
- Grasp the handles in front of you and pull your elbows to your sides while keeping your head up and hands close to the ground.
- Slowly return to starting position.
Don’t do this: Straight leg abdominal lifts
Lying on their back, exercisers arch their lower back. They lift their straightened legs into the air above them, and then let their legs come crashing back to the ground. Hip flexors and lower back muscles are easily strained from this position. And the worst part? It’s a really ineffective exercise for your abs.
Do this: Reverse crunches
- Lie on your back with your hands underneath the lower edge of your pelvis (edge of your butt), palms flat on the floor.
- With a slight bend in your knees, raise your legs above your hips so that you bend at the waist at a 90-degree angle.
- Shift your body weight into your upper back, lifting your tailbone off the ground.
- At the same time, push your hips toward your head, extending your legs straight into the air as high as you can.
- Bring your legs back into a bent position as you lower your tailbone to the ground and back to starting position.