Get the Most out of Your Vacation

Easy ways to max out the health perks

Get the Most out of Your Vacation

You probably don’t need a scientific study to tell you that taking a vacation is good for your health (surprise!). But you might be interested to know that researchers have determined that longer vacations are better for your well-being than short ones—and that stress can potentially shorten the duration of your vacation health boost.

Here are some strategies to help you “let go” for longer, so you can extend the benefits of your time away from the everyday.

Before you go

We get into the habit of worrying—about money, health, relationships and work commitments—to the point that we can fret away an entire vacation. Instead, make a list of everything you might worry about while away, and be sure to proactively address each item before you leave home.

Pre-trip checklist

When you catch yourself in a mental tizzy when you’re supposed to be unwinding, you can remind yourself you’ve taken care of it!

  • Pay for your vacation in full before you leave.
  • Arrange for automatic bill payment while away.
  • Purchase travel insurance for peace of mind.
  • Set timers for your lights and furnace.
  • Double-check that stove, iron and curling iron are off.
  • Ask a neighbor to watch your home.
  • Empty the fridge of perishables.
  • Do laundry and dishes.

While you’re on vacation

For some of us, the ideal vacation involves enjoying all that life has to offer, including unrestricted food and drink. If throwing moderation out the window is your idea of holiday bliss, feel free to skip the next section. If, instead, you’d like to use your time away to help reset your health and wellness goals, here are some simple and enjoyable strategies.

Curb cravings

Cravings can sometimes result from nutrient deficiencies that we misinterpret as a wish for chocolate or French fries. Avoid cravings by front-loading nutrients with a morning greens drink. Eliminate blood sugar crashes that can send you to the dessert cart by keeping glucose levels balanced: include protein, fat and fiber in each meal and snack—especially breakfast.

Eat local

Enjoy local fruits and vegetables to your heart’s content. (If you’re traveling to a tropical destination, clarify that the produce is cleaned with purified water.) Seaside resorts often have a variety of fish and seafood on the menu, which are good sources of metabolism-boosting essential fats.

Be sure to steer clear of the cream sauces and butter dips if clean eating is a goal. Keep sweetened and alcoholic beverages to a minimum, and instead hydrate with plenty of pure, filtered H20 and herbal teas.

Get active

Try a new sport, play in the ocean with your kids or do your sightseeing on a bicycle or horseback. Sweat with hot yoga or a sauna. Finish the day with a contrast (hot then cold) shower to re-energize skin.